Parts information - DAF 95 XF - 12.6 FAS 95.430 - (9701 - 0209) XF 315 M [Euro 2]

Technical Data

Manufacturer DAF
95 XF - 12.6 FAS 95.430 - (9701 - 0209)
XF 315 M [Euro 2] - 12580 - 6 - 315KW
Type 95 XF
Vehicle Equipment 12.6 FAS 95.430
From - To 9701 - 0209
Engine Type XF 315 M [Euro 2]
Cc 12580
Number of Cylinders 6
Bore Ø 130.00
Stroke 158.00
KW 315
Compression 16
Fuel Supply System T
Note Turbo, LLK
Serial -
KBA No. (Germany)
Type Mines


Article Description Manufacturer Article Number Dimensions Information
Cylinder/ Piston (Kit)KS
Cylinder/ Piston (Kit)MAHLE
Cylinder SleeveAE
Cylinder SleeveAE
Cylinder SleeveJEWECO
Cylinder SleeveKS
Cylinder SleeveKS
Cylinder SleeveKS
Cylinder SleeveMAHLE
Cylinder SleeveMAHLE
Piston Ring KitAE
Piston Ring KitGOETZE (M)
Piston Ring KitKS
Piston Ring KitMAHLE
Piston Ring KitMAHLE
Big End Bearing (Kit)GLYCO
Main Bearing, crankshaft (Kit)AE
Main Bearing, crankshaft (Kit)GLYCO
Main Bearing, crankshaft (Kit)MIBA
Main Bearing, crankshaft (Kit)VANDERVELL
Thrust Washer, crankshaft (Kit)GLYCO
Inlet ValveAE
Inlet ValveFRECCIA
Inlet ValveMAHLE
Exhaust ValveAE
Exhaust ValveFRECCIA
Exhaust ValveMAHLE
Valve GuidesAE
Valve GuidesFRECCIA
Cylinder Head BoltFEBI
Cylinder Head BoltFEBI
Cylinder Head BoltFEBI
Bolt Kit, cylinder headELRING
Injector Nozzle (Diesel)BOSCH
Charger Intake HoseFEBI
Pump, fuel pre-supplyFEBI
Pump, fuel pre-supplyFEBI
Rocker Arm, valve trainFEBI
Water PumpFEBI
Water PumpFEBI
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